Parkinson’s disease affects nearly 1 million Americans, making it a high visibility affliction. Many people are familiar with the symptoms: tremors, stiffness, and slow movement. Celebrities like Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox have gained a lot of public awareness as their struggles have been broadcast internationally. However, many people still struggle daily with symptoms and have lives to lead.
While there are medications available for Parkinson’s Symptoms, they can cause undesirable side effects. These can range from personality changes to behavioral changes such as impulse control. These medications can be life saving, but for many people having an additional tool to mitigate symptoms could be game changing.
How CBD Could Help Parkinson’s Symptoms?
The most promising potential treatment from CBD is once again it’s anti-inflammatory potential. As with many diseases, managing and reducing inflammation is a major goal in treatment. CBD may have the potential to reduce neurological inflammation. One 2019 paper investigated this potential use through a study of CBD’s potential to treat Parkinson’s Disease through manipulation of the endocannabinoid system and of pro- and anti- inflammatory factors.
A 2020 study tested an FDA approved CBD seizure drug, Epidiolex, albeit with a small sample size and no placebo control, as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease symptoms. However in this study, 10 participants dropped out, while 13 showed improved symptoms. Five of those thirteen also experienced elevated liver enzymes which the study attributed to the high dose of the drug.
This study shows some interesting potential but highlights the very common problem with the state affairs at this time: there is not enough quality peer reviewed and rigorous research published. This will surely change as time goes on, but the previous study is a great example of the issues faced right now. The study highlights some potential benefits and issues, but is hampered by having a small sample size and no placebo group.
While it is a step up from the anecdotal evidence that permeates the CBD world, it isn’t a very big step up. It still boils down to the same conclusion: This may help and it may not, it may affect inflammation, and that might help, but we don’t know, more studies are needed.
Is CBD Worth Trying For Parkinson’s Symptoms?
As previously mentioned, since there is no hard evidence that it is helpful you should discuss it with a physician before experimenting with your own treatment. If a friend or loved one is afflicted and seeking relief, make sure that they don’t start using CBD without consulting their physician. There isn’t any evidence at this time that CBD has an adverse impact on symptoms, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to take with all medications or treatment plans.
Make Sure Any CBD You Use Is Verified With Real Tested CBD
Whether you choose to use CBD for Parkinson’s symptoms or you are not the person with the cease and find yourself curious, make sure your CBD is tested and verified by a third-party laboratory for quality and safety. Real Tested CBD publishes unbiased Certificates of Analysis for all products we test. You can browse our latest reviews or check out our top rated CBD products here!
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