CBD oil has become exceptionally popular since its late 2018 legalization: According to a 2020 survey, as many as 1 out of every 3 Americans may have tried using the compound. CBD’s popularity stems from its potential to help people address a variety of physical and emotional ills, with many studies finding that the compound has the potential to help people feel better.
Interestingly, there appears to be some evidence that demonstrates CBD’s efficacy for not only humans but dogs as well. Studies have been limited, but they are positive. For example, a study on dogs who suffered from osteoarthritis found that dogs who were given CBD showed decreased signs of pain and increased movement. A small study on seizures in dogs found that CBD may reduce the frequency of seizures in dogs who suffer from seizure disorders. Similar studies have noted that the use of CBD in dogs and cats is increasing as a way of dealing with a variety of ills, including anxiety and pain.
But don’t immediately run out and purchase CBD for your beloved pet just yet. Some vets are urging caution, noting concern that CBD may damage a dog’s liver and asking patients to skip giving their dogs CBD until more is known about the long-term dangers that the product may present to our canine friends. There are specific concerns that CBD may damage the livers of dogs.
Furthermore, there are studies that have shown that too many CBD products are badly labeled. A University of Pennsylvania study specifically found that nearly 70% of tested CBD products were mislabeled. Other studies and news stories have noted that examinations of dogs CBD treats have found similar problems. This is why it is vitally important that pet owners check the labeling of any CBD product that they purchase and make sure that they only buy CBD products that have been through third-party testing, ensuring that the product is labeled accurately.
There are also other very important questions that you must consider. When it comes to what dosage of CBD to give your dog, consider two sources of information. First, follow the instructions on the label, as it may give you the best advice on the subject. Second, listen to your veterinarian and make sure that you follow their advice. If you are still unsure of how much CBD to give to your dog, it is wise to start with a low dose and see how your dog reacts, making sure to gauge for any improvements in their condition or potential side effects.
Other factors to consider include:
- How big is your dog? The larger the animal, the higher the CBD dosage it may possibly require.
- How has your dog tolerated other medicines in the past? Do they tend to suffer more or less side effects? If they have experienced these issues previously, you may want to give them a lower dose.
- How active is your dog? A high level of activity may imply a faster metabolism, which may favor the idea of giving them a larger dose.
- What is the potency of the CBD? Higher potency means you don’t need to give them as much medication.
Some organizations have come up with formulas that you can use to guide the amount of CBD you give your dog. These may be useful, but again, above all else, ask your veterinarian for advice before giving your dog CBD. This might ensure that you are following the guidelines of a medical professional before caring for your dog.
Take a look at our list of reviewed, tested CBD oil for pets.
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