CBD For The People Reviews
CBD For The People is a CBD manufacturer who sells a variety of different CBD products including CBD tinctures, CBD softgels, CBD cartridges (for vaping), and CBD salves.
CBD For The People started as an idea:
A CBD company can marry quality with affordability while hyper-focusing on the individual customer service experience. A company FOR THE PEOPLE first, with transparency and integrity at its core, putting the customer first and the profits second. Take care of the people FIRST, and they will take care of the business. This simple formula – too often overlooked by major companies – became the niche that gave life to our brand.
Far beyond CBD products, CBD FTPs’ activities in our communities fight for the health and wellness of the population on a daily basis. Core plant-based beliefs ensure the raw, unadulterated quality of CBD FTP products which are made fresh-on-demand for every order. All products remain 100% preservative-, chemical-, and additive-free giving the people CBD the way nature always intended – organic, uncut, and unrefined.
CBD For The People has no destination, only an unwavering conviction to the people first. And no matter what unpredictable obstacles this brave new industry has to offer, CBD FTP will always be there with one mission and a simple, easy formula to accomplish it: People before profits.