Review Process
How we review products
We buy CBD products and test them at KCA Labs in Nicholasville, KY for accurate levels of CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. In addition, Real Tested CBD also tests for pesticides and residual solvents. KCA Labs facility uses high-performance liquid chromatography to obtain the most reliable levels of cannabinoids.
We base every CBD review on the cannabinoid levels taken directly from the certificate of analysis of our independent laboratory. We post a link to the official lab results on each review, which makes us the most transparent CBD review site in the world.
We compare the accuracy and cannabinoid levels found in each product review to dozens of other CBD products that we have tested. And we ensure the product isn’t testing for potentially dangerous levels of pesticides or residual solvents.
What do the Expert Scores mean?
Our Expert Score (out of 100, higher is better) is determined by our in-house team of CBD experts based off the scientific results, the time it took to ship, the cost per CBD and the ease of use of the product itself. We have a high standard here because we want these products to get even better than they are now. Knowing that, a great score for a product is anything above 75. A score in the low 70s typically indicates a good but not amazing product. Anything below 70 we would be weary of because there are so many other great options available on the market this website clearly shows.
Who Tests For The Website? is powered by premier cannabinoid testing lab in Irvine, CA. KCA Labs, a third-party, independently-owned elite testing lab has partnered with Real Tested CBD to provide test results for this online platform, which has been designed to substantiate or refute corporate claims with facts. Making use of the world’s best testing equipment, knowledge & our relationships, we will analyze and create a free platform for viewing the tested results of over 150+ CBD products. You, the user, are also encouraged to write your own product reviews and leaving your own ratings.
What Do You Test Here And How?
The first unbiased platform for testing hemp and CBD-based products in the industry. Along with CBD, we test for all of cannabis’ core compounds like CBG, CBN & even THC. We verify all pure “hemp CBD” products do not go over the .3% threshhold of THC. We only buy products legally available for purchase in the United States, Australia, Canada & the United Kingdom. Our testing partner, KCA Labs uses a 1260 infinity HPLC to analyze the concentrations, potency, and terpenes in the samples taken from our customers. This method ensures that consumers and dispensaries have the proper knowledge to carefully select treatment paths for their clients.
Where Are You? is owned by Living Senior LLC and is is operated out of Las Vegas, NV. Our exclusive testing partner is KCA Labs operating out of California. KCA Labs uses sophisticated gas chromatography and mass spectrometer equipment and backs up their real CBD testing numbers with expert scientists and lab technicians. and KCA Labs are on a global mission to detect and highlight which CBD brands are doing the right thing by the consumer and creating quality medicinal-quality CBD products. Wherever consumers are in need of real CBD data, we provide that information to the public, and always for free. As CBD expands worldwide, we will be there to debunk the good actors from the bad.
How Often Do You Test?
Every month, be sure to come back to to find updated tests of your favorite CBD brands. We will also be adding new CBD product vendors and products to test every month so you can always stay informed on the latest trends in hemp and CBD products. Alternatively, sign-up for our newsletter below and be the first to know when new a batch of results is posted to the site.
Do you have a favorite CBD product that you’ve been taking, but hasn’t been tested & reviewed by our team? Reach out to us and let us know what products you’d like us to test!
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