Majik Stick CBD Reviews

Majik Stick is a CBD retailer that sells one product: the Majik Stick. This is a CBD balm labeled for pain relief that can be purchased online, and has been featured in beauty magazines like Vogue & GQ.

Majik Stick CBD
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We had a chance to test Majik Stick CBD Balm, and you can find the test results below. Make sure to take a look at the Majik Stick CBD review from Real Tested CBD.

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Best CBD Balm
Majik Stick CBD Balm is currently in our independent, 3rd-party lab & is being tested! Look for Real Tested CBD's review & test results of this product in the next few weeks!
Overall Quality
Ease of Use
Shipping Time/Cost
Overall Quality
Majik Stick CBD Balm is currently in our independent, 3rd-party lab & is being tested! Look for Real Tested CBD's review & test results of this product in the next few weeks!
Overall Quality
Ease of Use
Shipping Time/Cost
Overall Quality
Frequently Asked Questions about Majik Stick CBD
Is Majik Stick CBD a good CBD brand?
Majik Stick, a CBD retailer, offersa CBD balm labeled for pain relief. Our lab results showed that Majik Stick CBD products have above average quality CBD, with a fair price-point and shipping time, which is fair reflection on the quality of the product.
Is Majik Stick CBD full spectrum?
What kind of products does Majik Stick CBD make?
How much CBD is in Majik Stick CBD products?
How do you use Majik Stick CBD?

From the manufacturer:

MAJIK STICK was co-founded by two women in Portland, OR. Jessica and Lorielle spent countless years working side by side in retail and would confide in one another daily about debilitating chronic neck, joint and back pains. Dealing with everyday aches and pains meant a steady diet of ibuprofen or other pain medications. The grim prospect of a lifetime of medications drove them to explore a more natural remedy.

After trying out countless essential oils, supplements and other placebos, they landed on CBD. CBD topical creams were a game changer, and the effects could only be described as magical. Although they were instantly hooked on its pain relief effects, finding the right product that was all natural proved to be a challenge. A pain relief product needs to be accessible throughout the working day; just like ibuprofen. Pulling out a jar of cream at the desk, and having to immediately wash hands after use, felt out of place and inconvenient.

Additionally, it was their combined journeys over the past decade working in leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies that lead them to MAJIK STICK. When it comes to women in the workplace, it is no secret they still have a long road ahead in achieving a level playing field. This experience gave them a front row seat to witnessing just how much further they have to go to achieve equal treatment, equal opportunity, and proper representation. So here they are on this new venture ready to change the narrative.

With MAJIK STICK we don’t just want to relieve pain. We want to share our journey of empowerment through overcoming pain.