It goes without saying that CBD is more popular than ever. This has occurred for a variety of reasons, including CBD’s recent legalization, its widespread availability, and an increasing amount of evidence that demonstrates CBD’s potential to reduce a variety of problems. Indeed, while more research is needed, a growing body of evidence indicates that CBD can help to improve someone’s life.
This, of course, can be great news for people who suffer from an array of illnesses or chronic conditions. One of CBD’s biggest potential benefits is for pain reduction, as millions of Americans have found relief from the use of the substance. However, there are still many questions about just how CBD can be used for pain.
Evidence indicates that it can be used in a variety of ways. A 2018 review found that available evidence indicates the potential for CBD to be useful at pain reduction, though it also notes that the long-term effects of CBD on the human body are not fully understood. A study in rats with arthritis found that rats who were given CBD showed decreased pain signs. Other reviews have found that there is a wide range of conditions that CBD may be useful at treating, including everything from cancer pain treatment to multiple sclerosis spasticity.
You have a few options if you are going to use CBD for pain relief. These options stem from the fact that CBD is highly versatile and available in multiple forms, including tinctures, edibles, creams, balms, and more.
First, you can take CBD orally. This means taking it as a tincture or food. Taking it as directly as a tincture is a relatively quick way to get the CBD into your system, as you can take it sublingually. This ensures a speedy entrance of the CBD into your bloodstream. As a result, the CBD might begin to quickly work with the CBD receptors found throughout your body. Taking CBD in a food or drink means that the CBD may have to travel through your digestive system first, and this could make it take time to work.
Alternatively, if you are looking for more targeted relief, you can try to use the CBD as a cream or balm. This means that you take the CBD and rub it into the area of soreness or pain. The relief here might not be as fast as when you take the CBD orally, as it may take time for the substance to penetrate the various layers of skin and reach your muscles and bloodstream. However, this method could possibly ensure that the CBD gets exactly to the area in question.
There are two more general warnings to pay attention to before using CBD for pain relief. First, make sure to check with your doctor. While a World Health Organization report did find that CBD is usually well-tolerated in humans and causes tolerable side effects, if any, some research has shown that there are concerns about drug interactions and CBD. Your doctor may be able to let you know if this is a potential concern for you.
Last, make sure that you only use CBD that has been tested by an independent lab. Previous research has indicated that CBD companies are often less-than-honest about what is in their ingredients. Thankfully, this can be easily remedied by only purchasing CBD that has been tested by an independent third-party that then makes their test results publicly available. This ensures that you are only using CBD that has had its ingredients verified and confirmed.
Available evidence indicates that CBD may be useful for controlling some types of pain. We have a long way to go before research can make these statements more conclusively, but the evidence so far does suggest the possibility that CBD can help you find relief from your pain.
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