Nowadays, it seems like there are thousands of reasons why people take CBD oil. However, when you look at recent survey data, most customers that take CBD fall into one of two categories.
If you’re curious why most people first jump into CBD oil, you should consider a few of the findings below. This data may help you decide whether CBD is a supplement that could improve your quality of life.
Why Do People Take CBD? — The Top Two Reasons
Arthritis & Pain Relief
It’s common for patients to try CBD oil for all-natural pain relief. In fact, data on Statista suggests over half of people who get into CBD are interested in its effect on chronic pain. Another survey from the Arthritis Foundation found that about 79 percent of arthritis patients were either currently using or thinking about trying CBD oil.
To date, arthritis is one of the most studied conditions with CBD oil. Scientists around the world are interested in how CBD influences bodily inflammation. Whether applied topically or taken internally, CBD seems to exert anti-inflammatory effects, which may help with swelling.
Considering that most chronic pain conditions are related to heightened inflammation, it’s understandable why many people start taking this supplement as an alternative pain reliever. While it may not work the same way as NSAIDs, CBD is quickly becoming a popular low-risk pain solution.
Mental Health & Stress Relief
If people aren’t interested in CBD for physical complaints, they’re probably focused on this cannabinoid’s effect on mental pain. In particular, many people claim they use CBD oil to relieve chronic stress and anxiety. Indeed, a recent report published by The New York Times suggests about 60 percent of customers take CBD for anxiety-related conditions.
Like arthritis, anxiety is one of the most studied conditions related to CBD. There are now two placebo-controlled studies examining CBD’s effect on social anxiety disorder (SAD). Researchers on opposite sides of the earth (one in Brazil and the other in Japan) gave SAD patients CBD or placebos and monitored their responses. Impressively, both of these studies found the CBD participants had significantly fewer stress biomarkers versus the placebo group.
So, there’s enough solid evidence that helps support CBD’s popularity with anxiety patients. Plus, since there seems to be an interrelationship between stress and inflammation, CBD’s anti-inflammatory compounds may provide additional benefits to customers.
Related: How and why does CBD work? Click here to learn more about CBD and the ECS.
Whatever You’re Using CBD For, Please Get Third-Party Lab Results!
Chances are you want to take CBD for stress relief or pain relief (or both!). Whatever your primary reason is for trying CBD oil, please be sure you’re getting a high-quality product. Often, people who have a poor reaction to CBD oil use inferior extracts with above-average THC or toxic secondary compounds.
Since the FDA doesn’t regulate the CBD industry, you need to be extremely cautious when making a purchase. Never order from a hemp company that doesn’t supply you with third-party lab results. These standard tests are the only way to tell your CBD oil is legitimate.
For unbiased reviews on all the major North American CBD brands, please feel free to scan through all of the valuable info on Real Tested CBD’s website.
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