Nowadays, every dog owner wants to pamper their pet with CBD oil. Preliminary trials suggest pet-friendly CBD supplements may reduce inflammation, which should help dogs live active and happy lives. Some pet owners also rave about CBD’s ability to soothe their dog’s anxiousness due to separation anxiety or loud noises.
Since CBD has become so popular amongst pet enthusiasts, there are plenty of products to choose from online. Indeed, there are so many pet-friendly CBD supplements that it can be challenging to distinguish between legit and lackluster products. Since the FDA doesn’t inspect the CBD market, there aren’t centralized standards for reviewing CBD pet treats. Customers must know how to evaluate CBD pet products before feeding anything to their Fidos!
How Do You Know CBD Pet Treats Are Safe? — Tips For Scanning Dog-Friendly CBD Supplements
Place A Priority On Third-Party Lab Tests
If you’ve read our previous blogs, you’ll know Real Tested CBD emphasizes third-party lab results. No matter what CBD product you’re looking into, these Certificates of Analysis (COAs) are the only way to get an inside glimpse into your supplement.
Reputable CBD companies know that the FDA doesn’t screen the CBD industry. Therefore, businesses need to take lab testing into their own hands. Or, rather, companies need to send their CBD dog treats to high-quality labs for an unbiased test.
Lab technicians should screen the total cannabinoid count in your pet-approved CBD oils to prove there’s no THC. Also, these test results should show zero signs of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other toxins.
If you need more info on the significance of CBD lab tests, we’d encourage you to read this previous Real Tested CBD post.
Watch Out For Dog Unapproved Secondary Ingredients
Shopping for pet-approved CBD isn’t as simple as picking a human-grade CBD product. Please remember that dogs don’t absorb compounds the same as humans. Many chemicals that are in human-friendly CBD oils could be deadly for dogs.
For instance, most healthy adults don’t have a problem absorbing the ≤ 0.3 percent delta-9 THC in full-spectrum CBD oils. By contrast, THC is incredibly toxic for dogs, so pet-approved CBD oils should have zero THC concentrations.
There are also many secondary ingredients manufacturers might accidentally add to CBD treats that aren’t good for a dog’s health. Chemicals like xylitol, ethoxyquin, and propylene glycol can damage your pooch. There are also many foods like chocolate and avocado oil that are never good for dogs.
Please carefully review all the ingredients in your CBD pet treat and research their safety for dogs.
Got Questions? Speak To The Company & Scour CBD Websites!
If you’re still having issues determining whether a pet-approved CBD oil is OK, you should consider talking with the CBD company directly. High-quality CBD brands should have a customer service division to handle any questions you might have.
It’s also easier today to find unbiased CBD reviews on hemp forums or sites like Real Tested CBD. Indeed, Real Tested CBD now has dozens of lab-verified reviews of many CBD pet brands. Take advantage of all the online resources at your fingertips when comparing different CBD companies.
Before Using CBD, Please Ask Your Vet For Guidance
Although high-quality pet-screened CBD oils are OK for most healthy dogs, it’s always best to speak with a vet before adding a new chemical to your dog’s diet. Please remember that CBD can interact with other medications, so using a CBD supplement is potentially unsafe if your dog is already taking prescriptions.
Since CBD has become popular in the pet food industry, more vets have first-hand experience recommending this supplement. Be sure to discuss the potential benefits of using CBD for your dog at your next vet appointment.
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