Latest CBD Posts

What’s the Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil?

What’s the Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 29, 2023

New hemp customers often fear taking CBD at the “wrong time.” Even though CBD oil isn’t psychoactive, there are reports of people feeling drowsy after using it. So, does that mean CBD supplements are off-limits during the day? Will CBD affect focus and productivity at work? There’s no easy way to determine how CBD oil ... Read more


Try These Tips to Feed CBD to Your Pets!

Try These Tips to Feed CBD to Your Pets!
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 27, 2023

Pet shops and hemp dispensaries can’t seem to keep CBD pet treats in stock. No matter what dog or cat breed people have at home, everyone seems to be stacking pet-friendly CBD oils and treats. As pet owners rave about the benefits they notice with CBD pet products, it’s likely more customers will clamor for ... Read more


Do Some States Hate Delta-8? — Explaining Local Delta-8 Bans

Do Some States Hate Delta-8? — Explaining Local Delta-8 Bans
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 22, 2023

It seems like the debate surrounding delta-8 will never abate. Some say delta-8 is illegal, while others say it’s fair game. In recent years, some readers may have even seen a few police raids on hemp shops selling delta-8.  So, why is it that a few territories are harsh towards delta-8 while others don’t seem ... Read more


Cannabidiol for Kitties — Is it OK to Feed CBD Oil to Cats?

Cannabidiol for Kitties — Is it OK to Feed CBD Oil to Cats?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 20, 2023

Most of today’s pet-approved CBD oils have a “dog bias.” Considering about 38 percent of US households own dogs, it’s no surprise most of the research and marketing for pet CBD products goes towards canines. However, 25 percent of Americans own at least one cat. Understandably, many cat lovers have become curious whether pet-approved CBD ... Read more


Can CBD Help with Migraine Prevention?

Can CBD Help with Migraine Prevention?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 18, 2023

Chronic migraines are one of the most common and debilitating long-term medical conditions. Recent estimates suggest about 1 billion people struggle with these throbbing headaches multiple days every month. In addition to intense head pain, migraines can cause many other scary symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and temporary loss of vision.  Although there’s no cure for ... Read more


The “Hoppiest” Hemp Terpene — An Overview on Humulene

The “Hoppiest” Hemp Terpene — An Overview on Humulene
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 15, 2023

Beer drinkers are often surprised to learn that cannabis is related to the hops plant. Indeed, botanists put cannabis and hops in the same Cannabaceae family! Although hops can’t produce cannabinoids, these two plants share many remarkable similarities in texture and flavor. Hemp fans can get a whiff of this “hoppy” relationship if they have ... Read more


Is Full-Spectrum CBD Good for Dogs?

Is Full-Spectrum CBD Good for Dogs?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 13, 2023

There’s a split in the CBD community over how much THC to put in hemp extracts. Although the 2018 US Farm Bill allows manufacturers to include ≤ 0.3 percent delta-9 THC, some customers prefer zero THC in their CBD oils. To cater to different consumer preferences, most CBD brands now offer some products with a ... Read more


How are Delta-8 THC Products Made?

How are Delta-8 THC Products Made?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 11, 2023

Delta-8 THC is one of the most recent cannabinoids to appear in the hemp industry. Said to be like a milder version of delta 9, delta-8 THC has seen a boom in consumer demand. From oils and tinctures to vapes and edibles, delta-8 is just about everywhere these days.  Aa this newfound and legal high ... Read more


CBD Seltzer?— A Look at Hemp-Infused Waters

CBD Seltzer?— A Look at Hemp-Infused Waters
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 8, 2023

Water is essential to life…and it also happens to be one of the most lucrative products in supermarkets. Some estimates suggest the global bottled water industry rakes in $283 billion per year. Despite the increased prevalence of water filtration systems, many consumers love the convenience pre-packaged plastic bottles provide. It’s also clear that many customers ... Read more


Can Customers Safely Use Expired CBD Items?

Can Customers Safely Use Expired CBD Items?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 6, 2023

Everyone knows they “shouldn’t” eat supplements after expiration…but what if you have a container of CBD capsules that just passed the manufacturer’s expiration date? Would it be unsafe to use CBD extracts if they’ve expired? How long does CBD last anyway?  If you’re staring at a CBD product that has passed its posted shelf-life, you ... Read more


What Are the Possible Side Effects of Taking Delta-8 THC?

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Taking Delta-8 THC?
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
Dr. Igor Bussel, M.D., M.S., M.H.A
December 4, 2023

Despite its recent history, delta-8 THC has gained a reputation as the “diet” version of standard delta-9 THC. Many anecdotal testimonies and surveys suggest that delta-8 extracts don’t have the same intensity as delta-9-rich marijuana strains. Sure, delta-8 will give you a “high” sensation, but it doesn’t seem to be as “in your face” as ... Read more


What’s the Big Deal with CBD Live Resin?

What’s the Big Deal with CBD Live Resin?
December 1, 2023

As the legal hemp market expands, more manufacturers are developing ways to extract the max cannabinoids and terpenes from this fascinating plant. CBD-rich concentrates like shatter, diamonds, and budder have become top sellers in many dispensaries. However, only live resin has earned high praise as the “champagne” of hemp concentrates.  Unlike many other hemp concentrates, ... Read more